
Does love conquer all… including ambition?

Welcome to Glass Heels. This is a site about the conflict that rages in the hearts and minds of many of us: Love vs. Career.

As little girls, we’re told we can be anything we want to be if we work hard enough at it. But, there are approximately 150 million women in the U.S. alone, and all these talented, courageous and steadfast ladies create a lot of competition in the work force. And let’s not forget that godforsaken glass ceiling. So congrats to all my fellow ladies who worked hard in school, put in the long hours at the office (plus a waitressing job on the side), and now stand beside me in ruling the world… getting the job done, earning promotions, breaking barriers, kickin’ ass and takin’ names.

But, thanks to Disney (why did those films have to be so damn good?), didn’t we also dream of being Cinderella and pumpkins turning into carriages and taking us to the ball? Ariel was just 16 when Prince Eric whisked her off her fins to live happily ever after. We all want our handsome princes, and damn it, we deserve them. But what happens when happily-ever-after doesn’t coexist with the working world? Those Disney movies never showed the princesses getting up and going to work every day. Maybe Sleeping Beauty just needed some Starbucks, like the rest of us.

This site is about the women who want it all – the career AND the Prince Charming. We juggle deadlines, prepare Board presentations, exceed client expectations, work late hours, and attend company functions. And while our career is on the fast-track, there’s still that part of us that just wants to go home, grab a blanket and cuddle.

Glass Heels is for the hard-working, career-driven women who, amidst it all, found love. The ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love. “Inconvenient” being the key word in my favorite Sex and the City quote. When we’re trying to climb that corporate ladder, who has time for inconveniences? Glass Heels is for the women who have been forced to choose, one way or another, between their love and their ambition.

Would we rather have Cinderella’s glass slippers, or our amazing (and probably expensive) 4-inch power heels?

As we build this site, we’ll examine the relationship between the business suits and ball gowns packed in all of our closets. And I hope that we can find that perfect world where the Fairy Godmother shows up and gives us a promotion and a corner office… followed by roses and a romantic candlelight dinner that night.

Stay tuned,


5 Responses to About

  1. Hi, nice to meet you !

  2. Um, you’re writing about me, right? Nice to meet you–excellent idea for a blog. Looking forward to following you.

  3. Hello Ladies says:

    What a great site! Shoes and career? I’m hooked.

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